To create a visually engaging and informative site that would allow users to see the merits of coammunity solar energy compared to conventional power. After seeing the benefits, the user should be motivated to sign up
To create a visually engaging and informative site that would allow users to see the merits of coammunity solar energy compared to conventional power. After seeing the benefits, the user should be motivated to sign up
For the consumer-facing pages, I created a sleek interface with toggles that would allow users to see how much they would save and play with potential variables including savings for an electric vehicle. Users would also be able to compare solar farms for their area and once signed up to monitor the status of the order in the back-end portal. A mobile responsive, version was created.
For the consumer-facing pages, I created a sleek interface with toggles that would allow users to see how much they would save and play with potential variables including savings for an electric vehicle. Users would also be able to compare solar farms for their area and once signed up to monitor the status of the order in the back-end portal. A mobile responsive, version was created.
User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Dashboard Design, Data Visualization, B2B, Web UI, Web UX, Portal Design, Animated Interactive Graphics, Data Analytics
User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Dashboard Design, Data Visualization, B2B, Web UI, Web UX, Portal Design, Animated Interactive Graphics, Data Analytics